British Columbia History Internet/Web Site
British Columbia and Canadian
Historical Associations / Organizations / Networks / Conferences
To search for new or updated content, use the page-search function of your
Web browser and search on "date added" or "date updated".
Dates are entered as "", for example, "1995-2003.08.23".
- Alberni Valley Heritage Network
(Port Alberni) links several heritage sites, including the McLean Mill National
Historic Site.
- Alder Grove Heritage Society operates the Alder
Grove Telephone Museum and Community Archives
- Alexander Mackenzie Voyageur Route Association
(BC); site includes history of the Canada Sea-to-Sea Expeditions (1988-1993)
organized by Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario.
- Archaeological
Society of British Columbia
- Archives Association
of British Columbia (AABC) describes programs and services as well as
links to BC archives on the Web.
- Association of Canadian
- Association
of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives
- Association
of Historical Archaeologists of the Pacific Northwest (AHAPN) is based
in the USA.
- AV Preservation
(formerly the Alliance for Canada's Audio-Visual Heritage)
- Black
Historical and Cultural Society of British Columbia
- Bowen
Island Historians also operate a community museum and archives.
- BC Association
of Professional Consulting Archaeologists (BCAPCA)
- British
Columbia Black History Awareness Society (Victoria, BC)
- British Columbia Folklore Society
- British
Columbia Genealogical Society
- British Columbia
Historical Federation (BCHF) publishes the British
Columbia History. The Web site's new domain is
The BCHF co-sponsors the annual British
Columbia History Web Site Prize ($250) with David Mattison. Date updated:
- British
Columbia Industrial Heritage Group (North Vancouver)
- British
Columbia Military Heritage Society
- British Columbia Museums Association
- British
Columbia Industrial Heritage Group
- Campbell
River Genealogy Club
- Canada's
National History Society (Winnipeg, MB) publishes The
- Canadian
Archaeological Association
- Canadian Association for Professional
Heritage Consultants (CAPHC)
- Canadian Committee on Labour
- Canadian
Economic History WWW Server (UBC, Vancouver)
- Canadian Heritage
Information Network (Ottawa, ON)
- Canadian
Historical Association
- Canadian military history groups
are described on the Directorate
of History and Heritage site, Dept. of National Defence.
- Canadian Musical
Heritage Society (Ottawa, ON)
- Canadian Oral History
- Canadian
Science and Technology History Association = Association pour l'histoire de la
science et de la technologie au Canada (Ottawa, ON). Founded in 1981, this organization
publishes the scholarly journal Scientia
Canadensis. For BC content in the journal consult the Index (table
of contents) link. Date added: 2002.10.25.
- The Champlain Society.
Publisher of scholarly editions of Canadian historical documents. Digital
facsimiles of some pre-1920 titles are available through Early
Canadiana Online (The Champlain Society Digital Collection).
- CN Lines Special
Interest Group, National Model Railroad Association (Winnipeg, MB),
for Canadian National Railway enthusiasts.
- District
69 Historical Society (Parksville) operates the Craig
Heritage Park Museum and Archives and offers online historical data
about the Parksville area.
- Fédération
nationale des femmes canadiennes-françaises. Date added: 1995-2003.10.11.
- Friends
of Hatley Park Society works with Royal Roads University to preserve
Hatley Park Castle
and grounds.
- Friends
of the BC Archives
- Hallmark Society
(Victoria). Date updated: 2003.03.24.
- Heritage Society of British
- Heritage Vancouver
- Home
Children Canada (Pacific)
- Interpretation Canada, an association
for heritage interpretation.
- Jewish
Genealogical Institute of British Columbia (Vancouver, BC).
- Jewish
Historical Society of British Columbia (The Society and BC Heritage
Websites Program). Date added: 1995-2003.09.17.
- Kamloops
Family History Society
- Kelowna
& District Genealogical Society.
- Kettle
Valley Railway Society (Summerland) operates a short-haul steam locomotive
railway service.
- Kitimat
Family History Society.
- Kootenay
Lake Historical Society (Kaslo) maintains the Kootenay
Lake Archives and sponsors the S.S.
Moyie National Historic Site. Date updated: 2003-02-15.
- Map Society of British Columbia
- Mennonite
Historical Society of BC (Abbotsford) includes an archives
- MSA Museum Society
operates a museum-archives and manages the Trethewey
House heritage site.
- Myra
Canyon Trestle Restoration Society (Kelowna). Established in 1993 to
maintain a portion of the Kettle Valley Railway line.
- Nanaimo
Family History Society
- National Nikkei Heritage Centre Society developed and manages Nikkei
Place in Burnaby.
- New
Caledonia Metis Association (Fort St. James).
- New Westminster Hyack Festival Association
has its roots in the Ancient and Honorable Hyack Anvil Battery which fired
its first salute in 1871.
- North Shuswap Historical
Society. Established in 1985 and publishes Shuswap
Chronicles, parts of which, along with tables of contents for each
issuel, are available on its site. Date added: 1995-2003.10.30.
- Northwest
Brigade Club reenacts Western Canadian fur trade history from 1774 to
1821 and publishes Northwest
- Okanagan
Historical Society features an online
index through the Living Landscapes project to their annual Okanagan
History monograph.
- Old Cemeteries Society (Victoria)
- Organization
for the Study of the National History of Canada (OSNHC)
- Puget
Sound Maritime Historical Society (Seattle, WA).
- Riverview
Hospital Historical Society (Port Coquitlam, BC).
- Royal
Canadian Geographical Society publishes Canadian
- Saanich
Historical Artifacts Society. The society operates Heritage Acres, an
outdoor and indoor museum of agricultural and industrial artifacts, and
also acts as a home for the Vancouver Island Model Engineers. Date updated:
- Saanich
Pioneers' Society operates a museum and archives. Date added: 2002.11.07.
- Sandon Historical Society operates the Sandon
Archives. Date added: 1995-2003.07.04.
- Scholarly
Societies Project (University of Waterloo Library, ON)
- Slovak Heritage and
Cultural Society of British Columbia
- South
Peace Historical Society (Dawson Creek) operates a museum and archives
- Steveston Interurban Restoration Society.
Date added: 2002.05.13.
- Townsite
Heritage Society of Powell River
- Transit Museum Society
- 2141
Steam Locomotive Restoration Society operates the Kamloops Heritage
Railway Web site.
- Underwater Archaeological
Society of British Columbia. Date added: 2002.09.15.
- Union of British Columbia
Indian Chiefs (Vancouver)
- Vancouver Historical Society
- Vancouver
Island Railway Society is devoted to revitalization of the Esquimalt
& Nanaimo Railway passenger service; site includes some historical studies
and publications about the E&N's history.
- Vancouver
Paleontological Society
- Vernon
and District Family History Society
- Victoria
Genealogical Society
- Women's
History Network/BC
Jump to
Academic / Educational Resources In and Outside BC section of BC Academic
to Education section of Canadiana and British Columbiana
Jump to Heritage Sites

Conferences (Arranged by Date in Descending Order)
Conferences with a "permanent" Web site may also be moved after
the conference ends to the appropriate Historical
Disiplines and Subjects subsection of the BC History Internet/Web Site.
Upcoming Academic Conferences (
- Beyond
Hope: Constructing British Columbia in Practice and Theory, May 10 to
12, 1995-2003, University College of the Cariboo, Kamloops

Compiled by David Mattison,
Victoria Telecommunity Network, BC. Copyright
© 1995-2003 by David Mattison. This site may be freely linked to but not duplicated
in any fashion without my consent.