British Columbia History Internet/Web Site
BC Archives / Libraries / Museums
To search for new or updated content, use the page-search function of your
Web browser and search on "date added" or "date updated".
Dates are entered as "", for example, "1995-2003.08.23".
Directories and Guides
The Archives Association of British Columbia maintains
several resources for locating archival records:
- British
Columbia Archival Information Network, "a gateway to information
about archives and archival holdings in the province." Date added:
- The British
Columbia Archival Union List was developed and maintained by the AABC
on its own computer system as of February 1999. The telnet connection is
no longer available (1998.10.05).
- The Canadian
North West Archival Network, formerly known as the Interprovincial Archival
Union Lists. It includes descriptions of archival records in Alberta, BC,
Northwest Territories, and Yukon Territory.
- A Guide to Archival
Repositories in British Columbia is a hypertext version of this
invaluable publication
The Interprovincial Archival Union Lists database,
jointly developed by the Archives Association of BC with other provincial and
territorial archives, is now known as the Canadian North West
Archival Network. Links to other provincial/interprovincial union lists
can be found on the Canadian Archival
Information Network (CAIN) or via Canadian
Archival Resources on the Internet.
The British
Columbia Museums Association (BCMA) maintains a Web page that includes a
searchable and categorized directory of all museum-archives and heritage sites
(cultural heritage attractions) in the province.

Individual Institutions
- Alder
Grove Telephone Museum and Community Archives (Alder Grove Heritage
- Alert Bay Public Library
and Museum also preserves community archival records
- Anglican Church Archives
Network in British Columbia (via AABCNet)
- Armstrong
Spallumcheen Museum and Art Complex (Armstrong)
- Art Gallery of Greater
Victoria. Date added: 1995-2003.07.20.
- Bowen Island Community Museum and Archives (Bowen
Island Historians)
- British
Columbia Archives (Victoria). Check here for access to the visual records
database, including online images of photographs, art, cartographic
records; sample moving images and audio clips; the library catalogue
since 1985; full-text finding aids and the government records catalogue.
All databases are full-text retrieval through a search
form allowing you to select one, several or all databases. A separate
database is available for access to indexes of birth, marriage and
death registration (Vital Statistics Agency) records.
- British Columbia Aviation Museum
(Sidney) includes a history of the Patricia
Bay Air Force Base, now the Victoria International Airport
- British
Columbia Museum of Mining (Britannia Beach) is also a National Historic
Site. Date updated: 2002-05-07.
- Canadian
Museum of Rail Travel (Cranbrook).
- Chilliwack Museum, Chilliwack
- Chilliwack Museum, Chilliwack
Archives (AABC Communities Connect Project prototype).
- Chilliwack Museum and
Archives (BC Museums Association)
- City of Richmond
Archives now includes a photo search and search-holdings database.
- City
of Vancouver Archives includes a searchable database of all records
independent of the BC Archival Union List
- City of Victoria
- Comox Archives and Museum
- Courtenay and District
Museum and Archives
- Cowichan Valley
Museum and Archives (Duncan). Date updated: 1995-2003.07.04.
- Craig
Heritage Park Museum and Archives (District
69 Historical Society, Parksville)
- Cranbrook Archives,
Museum and Landmark Foundation
- Creston Archives
(Creston and District Museum)
- Crofton
House School Archives (Vancouver).
- Cumberland Museum and Archives.
Date updated: 1995-2003.07.04.
- Dawson
Creek Public Library: Calverley Collection is showcased in its "History
Is Where You Stand" site. Features include a search engine and narrative
histories of the Peace River region.
- Delta
Museum and Archives. Date updated: 1995-2003.07.04.
- Diocese of
New Westminster Archives (Vancouver School of Theology, UBC)
- Elphinstone
Pioneer Museum (Gibsons)
- Enderby and District
Museum. Date updated: 1995-2003.07.05.
- Esquimalt
Municipal Archives
- Fort
Steele Heritage Town Archives
- Fraser-Fort George Regional
Museum (Prince George)
- Gabriola Museum
- Granville
Island Sport Fishing Museum (Vancouver)
- Greater Vernon
Museum and Archives
- Hazelton
Pioneer Museum & Archives
- Icelandic
Archives of British Columbia (Icelandic Canadian Club of BC, New Westminster).
- Japanese
Canadian National Museum (Burnaby) includes a Japanese Canadian Timeline.
- Kamloops
Museum and Archives. Date added: 1995-2003.07.04.
- Kitimat Centennial Museum
- Kootenay
Lake Archives (Kaslo; operated by the Kootenay
Lake Historical Society). Date updated: 1995-2003.07.04.
- Kwagiulth Museum & Cultural
Centre (Cape Mudge Village, Quadra Island) is a sister museum to the
U'mista Cultural Centre.
- Langham Japanese
Canadian Museum (Langham Cultural Centre Gallery, Kaslo).
- Langley
Centennial Museum and National Exibition Centre includes a photographs
database in the Collections section.
- Maltwood Museum
& Art Gallery, University of Victoria. Date updated: 2003-05-03.
- Maritime Museum
of British Columbia (Victoria)
- Matsqui-Sumas-Abbotsford
(MSA) Museum-Archives (MSA Museum Society, Abbotsford)
- Mennonite Historical Society
(Abbotsford) includes an archives
- Metchosin
School Museum
- Mission Community Archives
- Morris
and Helen Belkin Art Gallery Archives (University of British Columbia,
Vancouver). Date added: 1995-2003.07.05.
- The Museum at Campbell
River, Archives
- Museum of Anthropology
(University of British Columbia, Vancouver)
- Nanaimo Community
- Nelson Museum
- New
Westminster Museum and Archives (Irving House Historic Centre)
- Nikkei
Place (National Nikkei Heritage Centre Society) is a bilingual Web site
and physical facility in Burnaby devoted to the history and culture of Japanese
Canadians and officially opened on September 22, 2000.
- North
Pacific Historic Fishing Village (Port Edward) is a national historic
site which includes a fishing and cannery museum.
- North Vancouver
Museum and Archives
- Pacific
Mineral Museum (Vancouver)
- Powell River Historical
Museum and Archives
- Prince Rupert
City and Regional Archives
- Quesnel and District Museum
and Archives
- Roedde
House Museum (Vancouver)
- Royal British Columbia Museum
(Victoria) includes an Object
Database with images where available. Images can also be purchased.
Date updated: 1995-2003.05.29.
- Saanich
Archives (Corporation of the District of Saanich). Date updated: 2004.06.04.
- Saanich Pioneers' Society
Museum and Archives. Date added: 2002.11.07.
- Salmon Arm Museum
and Heritage Association.
- Sandon
Archives (Sandon Historical
Society). Date added: 1995-2003.07.04.
- Sechelt Community
Archives (Sechelt). Date added: 1995-2003.07.05.
- Secwepemc Archives
- Shawnigan Lake
School Archives
- Sidney Museum
- Simon Fraser University Archives
and Library Special
Collections (Burnaby)
- Sooke Region Museum
- South
Peace Historical Society Museum and Archives (Dawson Creek)
- Sunshine Coast Maritime
Museum (Sunshine Coast Maritime History Society, Gibsons)
- Terrace and Region
- Transit Museum Society
(TRAMS, Vancouver)
- Trinity Western University
Archives and Special Collections (Langley)
- U'Mista Cultural
Centre (Alert Bay)
- Union of BC Indian Chiefs (Vancouver)
manages a Resource Centre which includes a searchable
database to Dept. of Indian Affairs records (RG-10) at the National
Archives of Canada.
- United Church of Canada
British Columbia Conference Archives (Vancouver)
- University of British Columbia Library, Charles
Woodward Memorial Room (Vancouver)
- University of British Columbia Library, Special
Collections and University Archives Division (Vancouver)
- University
of Victoria Archives
- University of Victoria
Special Collections
- Valemount and Area Museum
- Vancouver
Art Gallery
- Vancouver
Ballet Society Archives. Date added: 1995-2003.07.05.
- Vancouver
Maritime Museum includes its online Library catalogue.
- Vancouver Museum
- Vancouver
Public Library, Central Branch, Special Collections includes the Northwest
History Collections, Vancouver Building Register, Historical Photographs
and various other British Columbiana and Canadiana treasures.
- West Coast
Railway Heritage Park (West Coast Railway Association, Squamish)
- Whistler Museum
and Archives.

Compiled by David Mattison,
Victoria Telecommunity Network, BC. Copyright
© 1995-2003 by David Mattison. This page may be freely linked to but not duplicated
in any fashion without my consent.