British Columbia History Internet/Web Site
Heritage Sites
To search for new or updated content, use the page-search function of your
Web browser and search on "date added" or "date updated".
Dates are entered as "", for example, "1995-2003.08.23".
- Abkhazi
Garden, 1964 Fairfield Road, Victoria (Land Conservancy of BC). Date
added: 1995-2003.05.29. Date updated (URL): 2007-12-07.
- Barkerville
Cemetery Inscriptions transcribed by Jane Sherris
- Barkerville Historic
Town (BC Heritage Branch, Province of BC)
- Barkerville Historic
Town (; also at
- Big Things: The Monuments
of Canada (David Yanciw) documents, through photographs and descriptions,
monumental community objects such as the totem pole at Alert Bay and Mr.
P.G. in Prince George. The site includes links to related Web sites. Variant title:
Big Things, Community Monuments in Canada. Date updated: 2002.05.07.
- British Columbia
Museum of Mining (Britannia Beach) is a National Historic Site (1988)
and a BC Historic Landmark (1989)
- Canadian Civil
Engineering History and Heritage (Canadian Society for Civil Engineering
and Canada's
Digital Collections). Highlights heritage sites across Canada celebrating
the achievements of civil engineers. Date added: 2002.11.02.
- Cariboo
Gold Rush Roadhouses (1863-1900) (Quesnel & District Museum & Archives and
Canada's Digital Collections).
This site looks as the roadhouses established John Boyd, including the Cottonwood
House. Date added: 1995-2003.11.19.
- Carr House
Gift Shop and Interpretation Centre (207 Government St., Victoria, BC
Heritage Branch, Province of BC) includes a link to the Emily
Carr At Home and At Work Exhibit (Canada's
Digital Collections)
- Chilliwack
Driving Tours (Chilliwack Visitor Information Centre). The tour information,
on a variety of themes, including heritage and history, is only available
for viewing or downloading as Adobe PDF files.
- Chilkoot
Trail National Historic Site (Parks Canada) marks this important route
from Dyea, Alaska, to Dawson City, part of which passed through BC. On the
Alaska side, the US National Parks Services operates the Klondike
Gold Rush National Historic Park.
- Commemorating
Canada's History (Parks Canada [formerly:]
and Canada's
Digital Collections). The Parks Canada Web site is undergoing redevelopment as of January 2003; many
links, including this one, are broken. Until the site is fully stabilized, use
the main link ( to locate
this resource. Date updated: 2003-02-15.
- Cottonwood House
Historic Site (BC Heritage Branch, Province of BC)
- Craigdarroch
Castle (1050 Joan Crescent, Victoria) (Craigdarroch Castle Historical
Museum Society). Date updated: 2002.05.10.
- Teaching, Learning & Farming at Craigflower
Farm, Victoria (Canada's
Digital Collections)
- Crystal Garden:
75 Years of Community (Provincial Capital Commission, Victoria, and
Canada's Digital Collections)
(Government of Canada) is a gateway to culture, heritage and recreation
resources within and outside the Federal government. The site can be browsed
by toptic category or searched. A link request service is also available.
Date added: 2002.05.10.
- Emily Carr
and the House of All Sorts (Margaret Chantreau and Canada's Digital
- Fort
Langley National Historic Site (Parks Canada)
- Fort
Nisqually (Washington). This was a Hudson's Bay Company outpost built
in 1833. Date added: 1995-2003.10.17.
- Fort
Rodd Hill and Fisgard Lighthouse National Historic Sites (Victoria;
Parks Canada)
- Fort
St. James National Historic Site (Parks Canada)
- Fort
Steele Heritage Town (BC Heritage Branch, Province of BC). The Archives
and Library are described in the Information link. Among the online holdings
in the Map
Archives are a selection of Ktunaxa (Kootenay) pictographs and Canadian
settlement maps. Another view of Fort Steele is Moment
in Time: Fort Steele, A Historic Metaphor (Canada's
Digital Collections).
- Fort
Vancouver National Historic Site (Washington). Established by the Hudson's
Bay Company in 1825. Date added: 1995-2003.10.17.
- Grist Mill and
Gardens at Keremeos (BC Heritage Branch, Province of BC)
- Gulf of Georgia Cannery National
Historic Site (Steveston; Parks Canada)
- (Roderick and Ann) Haig-Brown
House (BC Heritage Branch, Province of BC, 2250 Campbell River Road,
Hwy 28, Campbell River)
- Hatley
Park and Castle (Friends
of Hatley Park Society), Royal Roads University, Colwood. Constructed
by James Dunsmuir, son of Robert Dunsmuir, who built Craigdarroch
- Helmcken
House (BC Heritage Branch, Province of BC, Victoria, and Canada's
Digital Collections)
- Historic Hat Creek
Ranch (BC Heritage Branch, Province of BC)
- Historic Yale
(BC Heritage Branch, Province of BC)
- History Lands: Canada's Heritage
Sites is inspired by the HistoryLands television series
- Hudson's
Bay Company at Fort Victoria (BC Heritage Branch, Province of BC, and
Canada's Digital Collections)
includes Northwest Coast First Nations and fur trade artifacts.
- Imperial Paradise?: An Alternative
Walking Tour of Victoria, BC (History of Racialisation Group [HORG],
University of Victoria)
- Kilby Store
and Farm, Harrison Mills (BC Heritage Branch, Province of BC)
- Kitwanga Fort National Historic
Site (between New Hazelton and Terrace; Parks Canada)
- Klondike
Gold Rush National Historic Park (United States National Park Service,
Skagway, AK) was the start of the White Pass and Yukon Railway which passed
through BC. Nearby Dyea was the start of the Chilkoot Trail which is commemorated
by the Chilkoot Trail National Historic Site
(Parks Canada).
- McLean Mill National Historic
Site (Smith Road, Port Alberni) is found on the Alberni Valley Heritage
Network site. Date updated: 2003-02-15.
- North Pacific Historic
Fishing Village (Port Edward) is a national historic site which includes
a fishing and cannery museum.
- Pacific Marine Heritage
Legacy (Parks Canada) is a joint federal-provincial initiative to preserve
and document BC's coastal ecosystems and human heritage.
- Point
Ellice House Collection of Household Victoriana (Point Ellice House,
2616 Pleasant St., Victoria, BC Heritage Branch, Province of BC, and Canada's
Digital Collections)
- Roedde House: A
Window to the Past (Roedde
House Museum and Canada's Digital Collections).
- Roedde House Museum
(1415 Barclay Street, Vancouver)
- San
Juan Island National Historical Park (San Juan Island, WA) commemorates
the joint military occupation by American and British troops between 1859-1872
of the site of the Pig War.
- Sea
to Sea to Sea Historic Park of Bella Coola ( is an
online booklet about Sir Alexander Mackenzie's epic journey across Canada
which ended in Bella Coola in 1793.
- S.S.
Moyie National Historic Site (Kaslo; sponsored by the Kootenay
Lake Historical Society). Date updated: 2003-02-15.
- Skung Gwaii
World Heritage Site (Nunstints Village, Haida Gwaii [Anthony Island,
Queen Charlotte Islands]; Parks Canada). The Parks Canada Web site is undergoing
redevelopment as of January 2003; many links, including this one, are broken.
Until the site is fully stabilized, use the main link (
to locate this resource. Date updated: 2003-02-15.
- The Tod House (Oak
Bay, BC) via The Pioneer Explorations of Scotch Boy John Tod.
- Trethewey
House on Mill Lake (Abbotsford) was designated a heritage site in 1983
and is operated by the MSA
Museum Society.
- Victoria Heritage Attractions
Information Directory (Victoria Civic Heritage Trust). Date added:
- A
Visit to a B.C. General Store (Fraser Heritage Society and Canada's
Digital Collections). Site features the Kilby Historic Store and Farm
at Harrison Mills. Date added: 1995-2003.11.19.
- Xá:ytem Longhouse
Interpretive Centre, Mission (BC Heritage Branch, Province of BC)
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Compiled by David Mattison,
Victoria Telecommunity Network, BC. Copyright
© 1995-2003 by David Mattison. This site may be freely linked to but not duplicated
in any fashion without my consent.