British Columbia History Internet/Web Site
Canadiana and British Columbiana
To search for new or updated content, use the page-search function of your
Web browser and search on "date added" or "date updated".
Dates are entered as "", for example, "1995-2003.08.23".
- Canadiana and British Columbiana: General
- Education
- Geography
- Government: General: All Jurisdictions
- Social Sciences
Some of these information resources do not contain
historical information, but may be of use to researchers.
Canadiana and British Columbiana: General
- Academic Info: Canadian
History is an independent site maintained by Mike Madin, University
of Washington, Gallagher Law Library
is the complete Encyclopedia Britannica and the Web all rolled into
one search engine.
- "California
As I Saw It": First-Person Narratives of California's Early Years,
1849-1900 (American Memory, Library of Congress) contains keyword searchable
full-text versions in HTML and SGML of 190 pioneer accounts, including many
that describe parts of British Columbia.
- Canada: A People's History
(CBC) contains episode descriptions of this two-year TV broadcast series,
educational resources for students and teachers, and games and puzzles.
- Canada
Heirloom Series, Heirloom Publishing Inc. and Canada's
Digital Collections includes British Columbians
- The
Canadian Encyclopedia Online (Published by McClelland & Stewart;
online edition sponsored by Histor!ca); this is
the full-text of the hardcopy/CD-ROM versions
available and updated since 1985 when it was first published by Hurtig Publishers.
- Canadian
History Portal (Canadian Historical Association)
- Canadian Information
by Subject: Geography, History is organized by the National Library
of Canada using the Dewey Decimal Classification system.
- Canadiana:
The Canadian Resource Page (Stewart M. Clamen, Carnegie-Mellon University,
PA) includes these sections on "Politics
and History" and "Heritage,
Culture and Entertainment".
Library: Canadian Documents Collection (Nelson
(Government of Canada) is a gateway to culture, heritage and recreation
resources within and outside the Federal government. The site can be browsed
by toptic category or searched. A link request service is also available.
Date added: 2002.05.10.
- CultureNet at the University
of Calgary contains many links to Internet resources of Canadian culture.
- Early Canadiana
Online, a digital facsimile (Adobe PDF pages) library of books and government
publications, is a joint project of the Canadian
Institute for Historical Microreproductions (CIHM), the National Library
of Canada, the Universite Laval Library, and the University of Toronto Library.
Full-text searching is available along with browsing. Additional content
in the form of interpretive, educational resources is also available. Some
content may only be accessed through an annual subscription. Date
updated: 2002.05.10.
- FactMonster: On-Line Dictionary,
Encylopedia, and Homework Help (
is intended for the K-12 education sector.
- Ghosts
of the Northwest Coast (Songs and music by Bruce Couglan; performed
by Tiller's Folly; BC Heritage Websites Program). Based on a touring school
show featuring Bruce Couglan's songs based on British Columbia historical
events and personalities, site includes curriculum support material. The
songs are playable within a browser or downloadable as MP3 files.
- H-NET: Humanities On-Line operates
from Michigan State University and is intended to "assist scholars
to go on-line."
- History House: Books, Stories
and Historical Trivia (History House, Inc.) is the brainchild of graduate
historians applying their skills to popularizing and marketing history.
- The HistoryNet: Where History
Lives on the Net (Cowles History Group, Inc.) is an advertising vehicle
for a number of magazines devoted to American, British and world military
history; includes an article index (list of article titles).
- HistoryNorth
(Sponsored by is a set of links to historical resources
about Alaska and the Yukon Territory.
- Humanities Canada,
the Electronic Information Service of the Canadian Federation for the Humanities,
contains a variety of Internet resources related to the humanities. Jump
to the History Directory.
- Inventory of
Canadian Digital Initiatives (National Library of Canada)
- KnowBC: Official Web Site of the
Encyclopedia of British Columbia (Madeira Park, BC: Harbour Publishing,
1 August 2000)
- Links of Historical
Interest is maintained by the Dept. of History, University of Manitoba.
- Lives:
Special Collections: Canadians (compiled by is a
guide to sites containing biographical information on Canadians
- The Memory Project (The Dominion
Institute). Founded in 1997, the Dominion Institute works to promote an
appreciate and understanding of Canadian history. The Memory Project is
a print and Internet program which encourages individuals to contribute
recollections around three themes: Passages to Canada (Citizenship and Immigration),
Heroes and Heroism, and Peace and War. Free teaching resources are also
available for download or ordering. Date added: 2002-04-30.
- Our Future, Our Past:
The Alberta Heritage Digitization Project (Alberta Heritage Digitization
Project and Canada's Digital Collections).
Many of the digital facsimiles of local histories include British Columbia
- Our
Millennium Gift Registry: Heritage describes Canadian Millennium projects
with a historical theme
- R.E. Gosnell's Digital Year Book of British Columbia and Manual of Provincial Information (1901-1995-2003). Victoria, BC: BC Community Networks Association, 2002. Hypertext edition, created with funding from Canada's Digital Collections, of the 1901 edition of R.E. Gosnell's Year Book of British Columbia. Alternate
Date added: 2002.09.12. Date updated: 2002.10.01.
- The
Swiftsure Project (Victoria) is a growing electronic community of cultural
organizations, businesses and individual artists and writers. An online
index is available for site searches.
- Virtual
Heritage Fair (Sponsored by Historica). Date
added: 1995-2003.08.23.
- WestWeb: Western
History Resource (Catherine Lavender) is a comprehensive, evolving subject
guide for the study of the American West via Web links.
- The World
History Archives, maintained by Haines Brown, contains links to documents
and online resources pertaining to the "struggle for social progress."
Jump to the "History
of Canada" section.
Jump to Chronologies / Datelines

- Academic Info: Canadian
Studies is an independent site maintained by Mike Madin, University
of Washington, Gallagher Law Library
- Association for
Canadian Studies in the United States (ACSUS, Washington, DC)
- Canada in the Making (Canadian
Institute for Historical Microreproductions, the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation
and Canada's Digital
Collections). Date added: 1995-2003.10.01.
- Canadian Studies: A
Guide to the Sources by John D. Blackwell, Brandeis University Libraries,
and Laurie C.C. Stanley-Blackwell, Dept. of History, St. Francis Xavier
University. Bibliographic essay first published as "Canadian Studies:
A Core Collection," CHOICE: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries
35 (September 1997) and revised for this Web edition.
- CanLinks: Directory of Web
resources relevant to Canadian Studies (Maintained by David Lucking)
- The Folksong
Tycoon (British Columbia Folklore Society and Canada's
Digital Collections). Online game for K-12 students based on folk songs
compiled by Phil Thomas to learn about BC's social history. Date added:
- History/Social Studies
Web Site for K-12 Teachers is a collaborative effort managed by Dennis
Boals. Jump to the American/Canadian
History links.
- Lesson Bytes:
Teaching with a Focus on BC's Heritage (BC Heritage Trust and Canada's
Digital Collections). Date added: 1995-2003.11.19.
- Make
History on.the.web (Patrick A. Dunae, Malaspina University-College)
is a how-to guide for constructing school histories for Web publication.
Date added: 1995-2003.11.02.
- Multimedia History
Tutorials (Applied History Research Group, Department of History, University
of Calgary). Date updated: 1995-2003.09.25.
- Okanagan
History: A Teacher's Guide (School District 53 and Okanagan Museums,
and Canada's
Digital Collections). Date added: 1995-2003.11.19.
- Our Canadian Girl: Historical Fiction for Girls (Penguin Books Canada).
This series of novels for girls age 8 to 11 includes background material
for teachers and librarians who wish to use the books for teaching
Canadian history. Two of the novels published in 1995-2003 and 2002, Emily
Across the James Bay Bridge by Julie Lawson and Hobo Jungle by Dorothy Joan Harris
, are set in British Columbia. Date
added: 2002.05.14.
- Science and Technology
in Canadian History: A Bibliographic Database (Dalhousie University)
- Teaching
Pacific Northwest History at the College and University Level: Course
Outlines and Teaching Aids (Page Prepared by Chris Friday, Director, Center
for Pacific Northwest Studies, Western Washington University, Bellingham)
- Teaching
Politics: Techniques and Technologies by Dr. William J. Ball (Department
of Political Science, The College of New Jersey). This site contains a library
of digital images pertaining to North American political history.
Jump to Education
section of Historical Disciplines

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section of Historical Disciplines
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section of Historical Disciplines

Government: General: All Jurisdictions
Jump to Government
/ Politics section of Historical Disciplines

Social Sciences
Jump to
Social Sciences section of Historical Disciplines

Compiled by David Mattison,
Victoria Telecommunity Network, BC. Copyright
© 1995-2003 by David Mattison. This site may be freely linked to but not duplicated
in any fashion without my consent.