British Columbia History Internet/Web Site
History Periodicals/Magazines
Chiefly North American
Last revision: 12/17/2005 04:09:28
Titles and Online Issues
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Magazine Search Tools
Note: Some titles not specifically devoted to history, but with articles
or references to articles on British Columbia history, are also listed here.
- BC Studies: The British
Columbian Quarterly
- Beautiful British Columbia
(Victoria) includes a database of past articles.
- The
Beaver (Canada's National History
Society, Winnipeg, MB)
- British
Columbia History: Journal of the British
Columbia Historical Federation. Sample articles from the latest issue are available for download,
along with contents of recent issues, and an index of selected past issues.
Date updated: 2005.12.16.
- The Canadian Geographer
(Journal of the Canadian Association of Geographers) contains abstracts
of articles
- Canadian
Geographic Online (Royal
Canadian Geographical Society)
- Canadian
Historical Review (University of Toronto Press)
- Canadian
Issues (Annual publication of the Association for Canadian Studies)
- Canadian Journal of Communication
(Simon Fraser University at Harbour Centre, Vancouver) includes text of
articles in back issues and a search engine.
- Canadian
Journal of Education
- Canadian Journal of History
- Canadian Journal
of Law & Society
- Canadian Journal
of Urban Research (Institute of Urban Studies, Winnipeg)
- Canadian Public Policy
(School of Policy Studies, Queen's University, Kingston)
- Canadian
Theatre Review (University of Toronto Press)
- Columbia:
The Magazine of Northwest History (Washington
State Historical Society)
- Electronic
Journal of International History (Institute of Contemporary British
History, University of London, UK)
- Essays on Canadian Writing (ECW
- International Journal of
Maritime History (Journal of the International Martime Economic
History Asssociation)
- Heritage Post
Interactive (Canada)
- Histoire
sociale/Social History (University of Toronto Press)
- History and Computing
(Association for History and Computing)
- History Reviews
On-Line (University of Cincinnati)
- Journal for Multimedia History
(Dept. of History, State University of New York, Albany)
- Journal
of Canadian Art History
- Journal
of the Association for History and Computing (American Association
for History and Computing)
- Labour/Le
Travail (Canadian Committee
on Labour History)
- Left History
(Dept. of History, York University)
- Northwest
Journal (Northwest Brigade
- Pacific
Northwest Quarterly (University of Washington, Seattle)
- Photographic Canadiana
- Reviews
in American History (Johns Hopkins University Press). Each issue
presents in-depth reviews of important books covering all specialties of
American history: economics, military history, women in history, law, political
history and philosophy, religion, social history, intellectual history,
and cultural history.
- Sandhill
Creek Reporter (Saanich
Historical Artifacts Society)
- Scientia
Canadensis. Ottawa, ON: Canadian
Science and Technology History Association. ISSN 0829-2507. Established in
1976 as a newsletter for researchers in the field of historical research
into Canadian science and technology, the publication has been issued annually
as a scholarly journal since 1981. Date added: 2002.10.25.
Journal of the Gabriola Historical and Museum Society
Shuswap Chronicles
(North Shuswap Historical Society)
. Date added: 1995-2003.10.30.
- thirdspace (Vancouver)
is an electronic feminist journal presenting the work of emerging scholars.
The British Columbia Digital Library
is an international guide to digital collections of electronic publications (books and serials
in digital facsimile [images] or hypertext form) with an emphasis on BC and
Canadian content. Date updated: 2002.10.25.
The Canadian Association of Learned
Journals=Association canadienne des revues savantes (Ottawa, ON) maintains
a linked list of all member publications.
The Canadian Electronic Scholarly
Network (CESN) is an initiative of Canada's
SchoolNet, an Industry Canada project.
The International Consortium for Alternative
Academic Publication (ICAAP, Athabasca University, Alberta) is a Canadian
initiative to provide a non-commercial publishing medium for online scholarly
Check the Victoria Telecommunity Network's Hypertext/media
Magazine & Newspaper Collections via World-Wide Web for global, comprehensive
sites and individual Canadian titles.

Serials (Newspapers, Journals, Magazines)
Search Tools
- BC Newspaper Index
(Legislative Library). Index to the Province, Vancouver Sun,
and Times-Colonist (ca. 1992-present). A Java-enabled browser is
required to access the library's catalogue.
- BC Periodical Index
(Legislative Library). Index to selected periodicals (ca. 1993-present)
focusing on economic, political and social issues. A Java-enabled browser
is required to access the library's catalogue.
- The Canadian
Architect and Builder Online (1888-1908) (Blackader-Lauterman Library,
McGill University, Montreal, and Canada's Digital Collections).
- Canadian Historical Association Index
to Annual Reports and to Historical Papers compiled by Isabelle Dornic
and Jérôme Coutard
- Canadian Illustrated News: Images
in the News (National Library of Canada and Canada's
Digital Collections). A searchable/browsable selection of nearly 4,000
images from this magazine published in Montreal, Quebec, from 1869 to 1883.
- Canadian
Music Periodical Index (National Library of Canada) complements the
Music Education Resource Base
(LookSmart and the Gale Group) is a free, full-text, searchable database
of periodical articles (popular and scholarly) dating back to 1998 from
more than 350 publications; articles can be printed or e-mailed.
- First
Nations Periodical Index (Canada's
Digital Collections) offers partial coverage of selected periodicals
and includes keyword searching
- The Greater Victoria Public
Library contains a link to the EBSCO Host database of full-text online
magazine articles. A valid GVPL library card and password are required to
access Magazines Online.
- Indexes
to Publications of the Canadian Catholic Historical Association. The
indexes cover the Transactions (bilingual index, 1933-1958), Report (1959-1965), Study Sessions (1966-1983), and
the Mémoires (1959-1965) and Sessions d'études (1966-1983)
of the association's French Section. Date added: 2002.10.25.
- Infotrieve (Los Angeles, CA).
User-pay publication-alert and document-delivery service for journal articles
and conference papers. MEDLINE databases are also searchable. As of February
1995-2003, bibliographic searches are free.
- Ingenta (formerly UnCover) permits free searches or
browsing by subject category for articles with an option for user-pay delivery
of periodical articles. Date accessed: 2002-04-15. Date added: 2002-04-15.
- Internet
Library of Early Journals: A Digital Library of 18th and 19th Century
Journals (England)
- Canada's Magazine
Search Engine (Canadian Magazine Publishers Association). Database to
magazine contents published by members of the association. Includes online
- (Hot Neuron LLC).
Search for Web-based (online) magazine articles.
- Making of America Digital Library
(University of Michigan) is fully keyword searchable and features digitized
versions of books and journals published between 1800 and 1925 pertaining
to the development of North America.
- Music
Education Resource Base (MERB, CultureNet) complements the Canadian
Music Periodical Index
- Okanagan
History Index (via Living Landscapes and the Okanagan
Historical Society)
- Pacific
Northwest Regional Newspaper and Periodical Index (University of Washington
- Photographic Canadiana
Index, volumes 1 to 23 (1974-1997); a downloadable zipped file is also
- Prince George Citizen
Newspaper Index (1916-1947) (Prince George Public Library). Note:
This Web page will link to a telnet (text-based) Internet connection with
the Prince George Public Library catalogue.
- Thompson-Nicola Regional District Library System Local
Newspaper Indexes. Covers Kamloops Daily News, Merritt Herald,
Shuswap Market, Chase Weekly, Ashcroft Journal, and
North Thompson Times.

Compiled by David Mattison,
Victoria Telecommunity Network, BC. Copyright
© 1995-2003 by David Mattison. This site may be freely linked to but not duplicated
in any fashion without my consent.
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