British Columbia History Internet/Web Site
Online Databases
Last revision: 2001.08.23
IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to the explosion of databases on the
Web, this page is frozen as of May 31, 2000. Databases will be listed only under
their appropriate subject matter or organization.
Change Note: January 19, 2001, updated addresses and descriptions
of the Canadian Virtual War Memorial and MINFILE; February 26, 2001, updated
description and link for Canadian Virtual War Memorial.
Change Note: November 2, 2001, updated bookmark for
CAIN (Canadian Archival Information Network).
To search for new or updated content, use the page-search function of your
Web browser and search on "date added" or "date updated".
Dates are entered as "", for example, "2001.08.23".
- ArchiviaNet (National
Archives of Canada) features several keyword searchable databases, including
ones for photographs, artwork, and audio-visual records.
- British Columbia Archival
Union List
- British
Columbia Cemetery Finding Aid contains a quick and thorough search engine.
- British Columbia Statutes
and Regulations (Queen's Printer) contains full-text versions of all
current statutes and regulations.
- British
Columbia Vital Event Indexes: Births, Marriages and Deaths (BC Archives)
- CAIN (Canadian Archival
Information Network) (Canadian Council of Archives). Updated: 2001.11.02.
- Canadian Archaeological
Radiocarbon Database (CARD, compiled by Dr. Richard Morlan, Canadian
Museum of Civilization; sponsored by the Canadian Archaeological Association).
Data is also available via the Mapping
Ancient History application.
- Canadian
Expeditionary Force (CEF) Database (National Archives of Canada) requires
only a name to search for World War One Canadian military personnel.
- Canadian Heritage Information Network
free databases include Artefacts Canada (formerly the National Inventories)
and Artists in Canada.
- Canadian
Virtual War Memorial (Veterans Affairs Canada and Canada's Digital Collections)
includes a complete database of all known Canadians killed in military combat
since The Nile Expedition (1884-1885). The database also contains military
awards and a cemetery location.
- Index to Federal Royal Commissions
(National Library of Canada) is an incomplete index containing citations
only to commissions of inquiry with the words "Royal Commission"
in their name. Out of several hundred such inquiries, the index covers only
about 160.
BC Mineral Inventory (BC Ministry of Energy and Mines) includes "Capsule
Geology and Bibliography" with historic mining data for each mineral
- National Aboriginal
Document Database (Canada's Aboriginal Digital Collections) contains
keyword searchable statutes/acts, court decisions, and treaties in HTML,
Adobe PDF, and WordPerfect file formats.
- National Aviation Museum (Ottawa) Archival
Photo Database
- National Library of Canada Home Page
will take you to a variety of online databases, several of which appear
on the BC History Internet/WWW Page. Among the newest is resAnet,
a Web interface to its AMICUS online
catalogue; this link requires telnet software; login: NLCGUEST.
- Pan for Gold Databases
(Ghosts of
the Klondike Gold Rush)
- Ships and Shipping
Database (Tacoma Public Library Northwest Room) indexes over 13,000
vessels on the Pacific Northwest Coast, including BC.
- Union of BC Indian Chiefs RG-10
File & Item Database: An IIG Data Clearinghouse Partnership provides
keyword searching of selected finding aids to Indian Affairs Canada records
at the National Archives of Canada.
AND NAVIGATIONAL AIDS via the Victoria Telecommunity Network for searching
down other history resources not found on this page.
to Links to Other Archives
to Links to Periodical Search Tools

Compiled by David Mattison,
Victoria Telecommunity Network, BC. Copyright
© 1995-2003 by David Mattison. This site may be freely linked to but not duplicated
in any fashion without my consent.