British Columbia History Internet/Web Site
Historical Disciplines and Subjects: First Nations / Aboriginal / Native / Indian /
Metis History
First Nations / Aboriginal / Native / Indian /
Metis History
- Aboriginal Canada Portal
is a partnership between the Government of Canada and several national aboriginal
- Aboriginal
Law and Legislation (Bill Henderson, Barrister & Solicitor, Toronto,
- Aboriginal Peoples: Guide to the Records of the Government of Canada
(ArchiviaNet, National
Archives of Canada) is a thematic guide based on the ArchiVIA CD-ROM
of the same title.
- Academic Info: Canadian
First Nations is an independent site maintained by Mike Madin, University
of Washington, Gallagher Law Library
- American Indians: Index
of Native American Resources on the Internet (WWW Virtual Library)
- American
Indians of the Pacific Northwest (American Memory, Library of Congress)
is the most extensive, authoritative and interpretive source of online information
on Pacific Northwest Indians between Washington and Alaska. Alternate URL:
of Washington Libraries
- Assembly of First Nations contains
Native Links.
- Community Learning Network (BC): Aboriginal
Studies Subject Directory
- Canada's
Aboriginal Digital Collections (Industry Canada)
- Canada's
First Nations (Applied History Group, Department of History, University
of Calgary, and Red Deer College, AB) is a multimedia tutorial. Date updated:
- Discover
the Native Sites in Western Canada by Pat Kramer is based on the book
Native Sites in Western Canada (Altitude Superguide). There is a
link to a companion site and book, Totem Poles:
An Exploration.
- Emergence
from the Shadow: First Peoples' Photographic Perspectives (Canadian
Museum of Civilization) features historic photographers of First Peoples
(Natives) and contemporary photographers of Native ancestry.
- First Nation Information Project
(The JOHNCO Group Inc., Ottawa, ON)
- First
Nations Art: An Introduction to Contemporary Native Artists in Canada
(Canada's Digital Collections)
- First Nations
Periodical Index
- First
Village of First Nations (Victoria)
- First Peoples on SchoolNet
(Canada's SchoolNet)
- Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
- Indian Claims
Commission (Canada)
- Indianer
Nordamerikas = North American Indians (Museum für Völkerkunde
= Museum of Ethnology, Berlin, Germany) is a bilingual (German and English)
introduction to an exhibition which features objects from the Northwest
Coast; Web site includes links to other Internet resources.
- National
Aboriginal Document Database (Hosted by Aboriginal Digital Collections)
contains keyword searchable statutes/acts, court decisions, and treaties
in HTML, Adobe PDF, and WordPerfect file formats.
- Native
American On-Line Resources (World
History Archives)
- The Native Trail Canada
provides links to a variety of First Nations information across Canada.
- Indian Treaties:
Selected Treaties from the National Archives of Canada Record Group 10 (RG
10) includes one example from BC. A Canada's
Digital Collections.
- NativeWeb:
Canada - Western no longer identifies specific BC sites, but a search
engine is always available.
- The Pauline Johnson Archive
(McMaster University and Canada's
Digital Collections).
- Protecting Knowledge:
Traditional Resource Rights in the New Millennium, 24 to 26 February 2000,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver; hosted by the Union
of BC Indian Chiefs.
- Report of the Royal
Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, 1991-1996 (Libraxus Inc., Ottawa,
ON) requires a frames-capable browser. This is the full version of the report
and is fully searchable.
- Resources for Aboriginal
Studies (University of Saskatchewan Libraries and the University of
Saskatchewan Archives) contains an archival materials database, a photographs
database with online images, a full-text Native case law database, and a
database on "The Northwest Resistance."
- Shingwauk's
Vision: A History of Native Residential Schools by James Rodger Miller
(Aboriginal Interactive Multimedia Inc. and Canada's
Digital Collections). Abridged version of Professor Miller's book published
in 1997 by University of Toronto Press. Date added: 2001.07.20.
- SSHARE: Social
Sciences and Humanities Aboriginal Research Exchange (Ottawa, ON)
- Totem
Poles: An Exploration by Pat Kramer, author of Totem Poles (Altitude
Superguide), offers links to other sites, including a companion site and
book, Discover the Native Sites in Western
- Turtle Island Native Network
(INFOCOM Management)
- Yahoo!
Full Coverage: First Nations
BC First Nations / Metis Sponsored Sites
- Aboriginal
Mapping Network is maintained by Ecotrust Canada on behalf of First
Nations mappers. Date added: 2002.05.20.
- British Columbia First Nations (BCFN)
provides access to individual Band and Tribal Council Web sites
- Chief
Kerry's Moose: A Guidebook to Land Use and Occupancy Mapping, Research Design
by Terry Tobias. Digital ed. (Vancouver, BC: Union of BC Indian Chiefs and
Ecotrust Canada, 2000).
- Delgamuukw / Gisday'wa National
Process (Assembly of First Nations) is a resource on the landmark Delgamuukw
- First Peoples' Cultural Foundation
(Victoria) is developing a Web-based language training tool called First
Voices Aboriginal Languages Resource. Date added: 2002.05.15.
- Haida: Spirits of the Sea
is a multilingual, virtual exhibition developed "in support of the
United Nations' International Decade of the World's Indigenous People"
(1995-2004) and created for the Canada Pavilion, Expo 98, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Headwaters
of the Columbia River: Where Life Begins (Troy Hunter) is a private
effort to promote the establishment of a cultural centre by this member
of the Ktunaxa Nation.
- The Lil'wat Nation, Mount
Currie (Canada's
Digital Collections)
- New Caledonia Metis
Association (Fort St. James)
- Nisga'a Nation
- Office of the Wet'suwet'en
- Potlatch Then and Now
(U'Mista Cultural Society and Canada's Digital Collections). Date added:
- Report
of the Royal Commission on Indian Affairs for the Province of British Columbia
by Royal Commission on Indian Affairs for the Province of British Columbia.
Digital ed. (Vancouver, BC: Union of BC Indian Chiefs, 2000). Known as the
McKenna-McBride Royal Commission (1913-1916), the four-volume final report,
originally published in 1916, contains minutes of decision affecting Indian
reserve lands.
- Researching
the Indian Land Question in BC: An Introduction to Research Strategies
and Archival Research for Band Researchers edited by Leigh Ogston. Digital
ed. (Vancouver, BC: Union of BC Indian Chiefs, 1998)
A Ktunaxa Nation Resource (Canada's
Digital Collections) is an ethnobotanical tool
- Sliammon
Time-Line (Ayjoomixw Group, Powell River).
- Snuneymuxw
First Nation: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (Hosted by Aboriginal Digital
Collections, Industry Canada).
- Stó:lô Nation includes the
Stó:lô Electronic Library,
"designed for use by secondary students" of the Fraser Valley,
and the Stó:lô Development Corporation
with statistical data.
- Traditional
Plant Use in the Hazeltons is about ethnobotany of the Gitxsan and Wet'suwet'en
(Canada's Digital Collections)
- Treaty 8 Centennial Commemoration
(Treaty 8 Centennial Committee)
- U'Mista
Cultural Centre (Alert Bay) is a treasure-house of information.
- Union of British
Columbia Indian Chiefs (Vancouver) includes its how-to manual Researching
the Indian Land Question in BC, Chief
Kerry's Moose (traditional use studies manual), the four-volume
report of the McKenna-McBride Royal
Commission on Indian Affairs, and a database
of Indian Affairs Canada records (RG-10) preserved at the National Archives
of Canada.
- Welcome
to the Bighouse of the Kwakwaka'wakw People (Hosted by Aboriginal Digital
Collections, Industry Canada).
Government/Public Sector
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada: British Columbia (Selected Content)
- British Columbia
Region includes the Dreamspeaker online magazine
- Indian Affairs Annual Reports, 1864-1990 (National Library of Canada
and Indian and Northern Affairs Canada). Browse by year or search by keyword on full-text,
title or year of all annual reports, as well as the Schedules of Indian Bands, Reserves and Settlements (1902-1992). The
reports can be displayed as a digital image or an HTML transcription. Date added: 2002-04-30.
- Nisga'a
Final Agreement (BC Ministry of Attorney General, Treaty Negotiations
Office). Date updated: 2001.10.30.
- Treaties includes
a hypertext version of Treaty 8
Academic/Private Sector
- Brian Thom's Coast Salish
Home Page is a guide to Coast Salish cultural information on the Internet,
including anthropologist Thom's own online publications
- First Nations House of
Learning, Xwi7xwa Library (University of British Columbia)
- Gifting
and Feasting in the Northwest Coast Potlatch (Peabody Museum of
Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University)
- A
History of the Northwest Coast (Bruce Hallman). Date updated: 2001.11.02.
- Hopwood, Doug. What
Lies Beneath: Responding
to Forest Development Plans: A Guide for First Nations. Vancouver: Ecotrust Canada,
2002. 52 p. A manual "intended as a reference tool for First Nations in responding to forest
development plan referrals from the B.C. Ministry of Forests or forest licensees."
An Adobe Acrobat PDF version of this publication may be downloaded from
the Publications section of the Aboriginal Mapping Network site. Date added:
- The Jesup North Pacific Expedition (1897-1902)
was organized by Franz Boas and sponsored by the American Museum of Natural
History (AMNH). Field
Letters of expedition personnel are fully transcribed and partially
digitized. As of July 2001, the digitized letters and transcribed letters
no longer appear to be available. Photographs of individuals and objects
collected by the expedition, along with cultural and personnel information,
form the "Drawing
Shadows to Stone": Photographing North Pacific Peoples (1897-1902)
online exhibit at the AMNH. Sound recordings from the expedition are at
the Archives of Traditional
Music (Indiana University, Bloomington). Date updated: 2001.07.21.
- The
Kwagiutl Collection: British Columbia Native Art is a commercial site
featuring art on paper by Kwakiutl artists who were provided art materials
by an art dealer beginning in 1957.
- Land Negotiations
Network. Describes itself as a a non-profit collective without political
- Native Peoples, Plants
& Animals: Halkomelem: A Halkomelem Ethnobiology Web Site (Donna
Gerdts and Brian Compton; hosted by BC Institute of Technology). Developed
as a class project, this site features photographs and source data supplied
by Halkomelem (a Coast Salish band) elders and interpretive research compiled
by ethnobiologists.
- NativeTech: Native American
Technology and Art (Tara Prindle) includes a links page with Northwest Coast/BC
- Nisga'a Treaty Related
Pages on the Web (Victoria Telecommunity Network)
- The North American
Indian by Edward S. Curtis. Digital portfolio ed. (Chicago, IL:
Northwestern University; Washington, DC: Library of Congress, 2000).
- Northwest Coast Knowledge
Base (Margaret Anderson, University of Northern BC) is a bibliography
with some ethnographic data about the Tsimshian people
- Northwest
Coast Printmakers (Maltwood Art Museum and Gallery, University of Victoria).
- An Outline
of the Morphology and Phonology of Saanich, North Straits Salish
by Timothy Montler. Occasional Papers in Linguistics, no. 4. Missoula: University
of Montana Linguistics Laboratory, 1986. (Hypertext edition hosted by University
of North Texas). Includes link to Montler's Saanich Classified Word List.
Date added: 2001.08.23.
- Potlatch: The
Nemesis of Assimilation: Repression of an Alternate Legal System in
British Columbia as a Weapon for Cultural Genocide (Anthony Bettanin)
is part of a student paper for a legal history course at Australian National
- Prelude to
the Study of a Totem Pole (Museum of Anthropology, University of
British Columbia) documents the Thunderbird Pole (Skiamsm) of Gitanyow (Kitwancool).
- Reel History: A Collection
of Vancouver First Nations Audio Resources (Langara College and Canada's
Digital Collections).
- Ruby, Jay (Temple University, Philadelphia, PA): essays about Northwest
Coast anthropologist Franz Boas
and documentary filmmakers Edward S. Curtis and Robert
J. Flaherty.
- The Semiahmoo People
[by Jack Brown] is this retired Surrey school teacher's history of the Semiahmoo
Band. Date added: 2002-03-09.
- The Spirit
of Pestilence: The Smallpox Epidemic in Victoria in 1862. By Elaine Moore, Anna-Marie Krahn, and Claudia Lorenz.
Victoria, BC: University of Victoria, 2002. Part of: Victoria's Victoria.
This site main examines the impact of the smallpox epidemic among the First
Nations population (resident and visiting) around Fort Victoria. Date
accessed: 2002.04.08. Date added: 2002.04.08.
- Tahltan Nation
(School District 87 [Stikine], Dease Lake, and the Dease Lake Internet Society)
is based on a CD-ROM copyrighted by School District 87.
- The Tlingit of the Northwest Coast is the North part of an exhibit
titled North,
South, East, West: American Indians and the Natural World (Carnegie
Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, PA).
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Compiled by David
Mattison, Victoria Telecommunity
Network, BC. Copyright © 1995-2003 by David Mattison. This page may be
freely linked to but not duplicated in any fashion without my consent.