British Columbia History Internet/Web Site
Historical Disciplines and Subjects: Fur Trade History
To search for new or updated content, use the page-search function of
your Web browser and search on "date added" or "date updated". Dates are
entered as "", for example, "1995-2003.08.23".
- Alexandre "Buck" Choquette
and The Gold Rush (Choquet-Choquette Genealogy). Excerpts, with modern interpretations, from
Henry W. Clark's self-published book, Buck Choquette, Stampeder (1960). Choquette participated in the fur trade and in the BC gold rushes of the 1860s. Site is available
in French or English. Date added: 1995-2003.10.12.
- Exploration, the Fur Trade and
the Hudson's Bay Company. (Early Canadiana Online and others). Bilingual:
English and French. Date accessed: 2002.04.09. Date added: 2002.04.09.
- Fort Langley National Historic Site (Parks Canada). Date added: 1995-2003.10.17.
- Fort Nisqually (Washington). This was a Hudson's Bay Company outpost built in 1833. Date added: 1995-2003.10.17.
- Fort St. James National Historic Site (Parks Canada). Date added: 1995-2003.10.17.
- Fort Vancouver National Historic Site (Washington). Established by the Hudson's Bay Company in 1825. Date added: 1995-2003.10.17.
- Hudson's Bay Company at Fort Victoria (BC Heritage Branch, Province of BC, and Canada's Digital Collections). Date added: 1995-2003.10.17.
- Hudson's Bay Company Digital Collection (Manitoba Museum of Man and Nature and Canada's Digital Collections). Date added: 1995-2003.10.17.
- Hudson's Company "Our History". Date added: 1995-2003.10.01.
- In Pursuit of Adventure: The Fur Trade in Canada and the North West Company (McGill University, Montreal, QC). Includes browsable/searchable digital facsimiles of manuscripts known as the Masson Papers (ca 1790 –1820) preserved at McGill University, along with supporting research materials. Date added: 1995-2003.10.17.
- "A List of Trading Vessels in Maritime Fur Trade, 1785-1794" by F.W. Howay (Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, Sec. II, 1930, 111-134) and "A List of Trading Vessels In the Maritime Fur Trade, 1795-1804" by F.W. Howay (Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, Sec. II, 1931, 117-149). Transcribed to HTML by John Lutz, University of Victoria, BC. Date added: 1995-2003.09.12.
- Passages: A Treasure Trove
of North American Exploration (National Library of Canada and
Canada's Digital
Collections). This virtual exhibit includes information on a few individuals involved with the fur trade in BC. Date added: 1995-2003.10.17.
- The Pioneer Explorations of Scotch Boy John Tod (British Columbia Heritage Branch
and Canada's Digital
Collections). Tod was a Hudson's Bay Company fur trade officer who lived
out his life in Victoria; his home still stands in Oak Bay. Date added: 1995-2003.10.01.
- San Juan Island National Historical Park (San Juan Island, WA) commemorates the joint military occupation by American and British troops between 1859-1872 of the site of the Pig War. Date added: 1995-2003.10.17.
- Sea to Sea to Sea Historic Park of Bella Coola ( is an online booklet about Sir Alexander Mackenzie's epic journey across Canada which ended in Bella Coola in 1793. Date added: 1995-2003.10.17.
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Compiled by David
Mattison, Victoria Telecommunity
Network, BC. Copyright © 1995-2003 by David Mattison. This page may be
freely linked to but not duplicated in any fashion without my consent.