History of the Victoria Telecommunity Network Logo
Between June and November 17, 1992 when the Victoria Free-Net was under development by the Victoria Free-Net Association (VIFA), members of the association were asked to submit designs for a logo.
The winning entry was submitted by David Mattison and depicts a City of Victoria heritage lamppost connected by a power cord to a computer.
This is what the logo looks like as ASCII art:
_ W E L C O M E T O V I C T O R I A
_ | _ T E L E C O M M U N I T Y N E T W O R K
_(_)\ | /(_)_
(_)---| |---(_)
|_|_| \ modem: (250) 479-6500
| | \ voice: (250) 727-7057
| | \ Office hours: 8:45am - 4:30pm
| | \
| | \ ___________ Victoria Free-Net Association
| | \ /_________/ | 4252 Commerce Circle
| | \____|| || | Victoria
| | || V T N || | British Columbia
_| |_ ||________|| | V8Z 4M2 CANADA
_| |_ |----------| |
| | /___________/ / hq@freenet.victoria.bc.ca
The logo was subsequently enchanced by Bob Coulson and appears on the cover of the VIFA publication Welcome to the Victoria Free-Net: An Introductory Guide (1994-1995). This version also appears on our old Web site:

A further enhancement produced in 1997 and based on a 3D version prepared by David Mattison shows the power cord in red connected to the lamppost and computer with yellow plugs:

The 3D VIFA/VTN Logo by David Mattison can only be viewed with a VRML 2.0 plug-in or add-on to a graphical browser.
Document address: http://victoria.tc.ca/vifa/logo-history.html