BKVSOPHB.RVW 20070118 "The Visible Ops Handbook", Kevin Behr/Gene Kim/George Spafford, 2006, U$21.95, 0-9755686-1-2 %A Kevin Behr %A Gene Kim genek@tripwire.com %A George Spafford %C #104 - 2896 Crescent Ave, Eugene, OR 97408 %D 2006 %G 0-9755686-1-2 978-0-9755686-1-3 %I Information Technology Process Institute %O U$21.95 www.itpi.org 541-485-4051 info@itpi.org %O http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0975568612/robsladesinterne http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0975568612/robsladesinte-21 %O http://www.amazon.ca/exec/obidos/ASIN/0975568612/robsladesin03-20 %O Audience s- Tech 1 Writing 1 (see revfaq.htm for explanation) %P 98 p. %T "The Visible Ops Handbook" The introduction notes that while many people see the need for process improvement, and that the ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) contains many "best practices," it is still difficult to know where to start, and to suggest what should be done in a given situation. The authors then go on to outline a study two of them conducted on the characteristics of "high performing" companies. They assert that the factors identified in the survey relate to three areas of the British Standard 15000 structure provided for the ITIL practices: release processes (planning and designing), control processes (particularly change management), and resolution processes (dealing with problems). Unfortunately, the authors have often chosen to describe their findings in terms of what does not work, rather than what does. There are also readability issues: the material seems almost to be written with an intent to impress the reader, rather than to clearly inform. Finally, it is far from obvious that the conclusions the book presents could assist organizations to improve. The problems described are common to immature and "chaotic" enterprises, and the text does not demonstrate whether the processes identified have made the associated companies good, or whether good companies use these processes once they have achieved maturity and stability. Chapter one suggests that you reduce unplanned changes to your systems, but is a little short on advice about how to accomplish this. There is a great deal of material on the symptoms of an organization that lacks planning structures rather than specifics of how to identify or deal with problems. A suggested agenda for a change advisory board is one useful item. You should inventory your systems, and then identity the ones that cause the most trouble, says chapter two. The third phase is to devise a system to manage the creation of software builds, and provide the company with standard software releases. Chapter four outlines a number of useful metrics for determining how well your organization is performing--at controlling the release of new and updated software that you write. If you create software, and particularly if you develop your own software and systems in-house, then it is a good idea to manage the process and ensure that changes are made properly. Therefore, the advice to do so is good. However, this booklet doesn't go much beyond that, and would be of rather limited use to most companies, even those that do a lot of their own development. copyright Robert M. Slade, 2007 BKVSOPHB.RVW 20070118