BKMSITIL.RVW 20070119 "Measuring ITIL", Randy A. Steinberg, 2006, 1-4120-9392-9 %A Randy A. Steinberg RandyASteinberg@aol.com %C Suite 6E, 2333 Government Street, Victoria, BC V8T 4P4 %D 2006 %G 1-4120-9392-9 %I Trafford Publishing %O 888-232-4444 FAX 250-383-6804 sales@trafford.Com %O http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1412093929/robsladesinterne http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/1412093929/robsladesinte-21 %O http://www.amazon.ca/exec/obidos/ASIN/1412093929/robsladesin03-20 %O Audience s- Tech 1 Writing 1 (see revfaq.htm for explanation) %P 154 p. %T "Measuring ITIL" Chapter one is supposed to be an introduction to the book. Unfortunately, it jumps right in without bothering to define some basics (such as what ITSM is, and why we should want to measure it). (It probably stands for Information Technology Services Management, since ITIL, the Information Technology Infrastructure Library is about that topic.) Purportedly an overview of metrics, chapter two is actually an exhortation to measure things. Aspects of a metrics model framework are listed in chapter three, although the details don't do much to explain any overall structure or operation. Chapter four is a set of tables of incident response metrics. Unfortunately, the material is cyclically self-referential, without ever explaining real details. Similar non-definitions are given for various management areas in subsequent chapters: problems in five, change in six, release in seven, configuration in eight, service desk (no management) in nine, service levels in ten, availability in eleven, capacity in twelve, service continuity in thirteen, IT financials in fourteen, and IT workforce in fifteen. (If you are well familiar with ITIL you will recognize the structure, but the book does not explain it.) Chapter sixteen suggests that if you have very few sources of metrics, then you should collect and display a few metrics. Chapter seventeen describes the DICE (Duration, Integrity, Commitment, Effort) model that attempts to predict the likelihood of success of an ITIL (the first time the Information Technology Infrastructure Library is materially mentioned in the book, despite the title) implementation. Unfortunately, the text stops short of really explaining how to use the model, or calculate the parameters you are to enter. There is a tiny bit more information on the ITSM Metrics Model Tool, in chapter eighteen, but unfortunately the detail is on the output side, rather than input. Chapter nineteen outlines a full program (including an enormous staff) for using the metrics, but, since everything is based on measurements that have not been fully explained, it is hard to say how useful all of this is. If you are fully versed in ITIL, this book might help you decide how to measure your operations. Mind you, if you are completely familiar with ITIL, and are using it, you probably already have your own metrics in hand. copyright Robert M. Slade, 2007 BKMSITIL.RVW 20070119